Friday, July 19, 2024

When the law is liberating

 Because the post moderns,  like the prechristians, are into more laws and more governance, as a solution to everything,  let me make a list of some the new names for the rediscoveries of old burdens . 

  1. Nannyism (Emperors who insist on parenting)   NIMBYISM  thy problem not my problem 
  2. Cancelling , gaslighting , 
  3. Post christain marxim where it pays the Criminal's bills because he was somehow disadvantaged
  4. Any religion once there are steps up the pulpit  rather than down to kneeling for confession   
  5. Any computer that is switched on and typed into with the subject --- the other 
  6. Modern forms of self-righteousness ; any mind who sees how a mere law , if listened towould have stopped a disaster ..... and given ME credit  for being such a smart A .
  7. Any teacher who has been persuaded to force change,, not inspire change> There are a  few in Council and the House right now 
  8.  We could both go on .......
    Why don't you  list some NOW   you would have some examples

    One of the best things when simple laws are applied is that they are protective  A man over his family ; a leader over the team. 
     All Men ( includings XX's ) are prone to forgetting the responsibility and remembering only the rights of high office.

    The world,  instead of remembering the limits to laws and the liberty of love and laws of constraint and protection is in a rush to make more laws in the hope of limiting the landslides. Departments dedicated to moving the earth .

    ALBO ALLAN and BURKE are not alone in being lost in immoral and irresponsible reactive responses with clever sounding excuses - lets just  call it lying ,  Children do it when cornered . 
    Its true  that the law  ( from the Garden up) that says that you are responsible if you are charge is only true if you did not know what was going wrong,  

    If you, in charge , don't know what is wrong and you say you didn't know what is wrong , you still should resign that office because you took it as your oath /gift of office to know and to find out if you weren't sure. 
     The Law is not for pedants, ( and excusemakers as children quickly learn to try )  but only those who take the job of protection , finding out and responsibility very seriously; If you can't and don't check things,  you should leave. 
     The only excuse i know for "I don't remember" ( Nixon) or "
    I was not not briefed"  is that you didn't make time to know ( Romans 13:4) 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ineffective anger management and Hypocrisy

The current epidemic of cancelling and gaslighting in the West  has its origin in the return of the overly simple feelings-based idea that "how you feel" is the only morality that matters.
According to now modern morality, anger is considered bad when clearly it cannot be.

Anger is not a sin, even though it can easily turn into it, " be angry but sin not "
True caring and correction for each other must involve something less shallow and distracting than cancelling and one up man ship.  
The current epidemic is therefore not a change in how many bad people there are, but a change in how people perceive badness.
The accuser is not only more evident now, but the self-righteousness quieter party in is often completely in the wrong because as said below, the fingers point both way because anger produces anger in both parties;

The hypocritical party thinks because they don't show anger in themselves, that it doesn't exist . 
The honest party is working on resolving what will otherwise fester. 

For example.

The now popular heresy that men or women who get angry are bad ,resists and 
prevents resolution. Compare the more effective venting of anger that was taught in the past.

The adoption, by the modern West of the old and eastern idea that to express anger is wrong , is causing suppression of it, Weigh it up to see if that process works and builds understanding and respect. 

According to now modern morality, anger is considered bad when clearly it cannot be - even if you don't believe in God, adrenalin performs a valuable function in challenging abuse and threats with words as well as action.    People need to speak their minds and risk getting accused of anger and even hate  ,
The old procedure outlined in the New Testament works because it anticipates the reality of short term adrenalin action , irrational words and how to forgive them ( before the sun goes down ) 

The Queensland Premier cancelling Pauline Hanson this week shows his confusion and hypocrisy. 
  Clearly he + Irwin are misleading the children on what is libel  because open confrontation on content of what you say  is OK .
The 8th commandment forbids the current epidemic of fires lit by NOT addressing the CONTENT but attacking THE PERSON. 

If the Premier doesn't admit he is wrong (on the content ), he can be judged .  

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Reactionaries know nothing about the Law

and by relying on their latest directive or law they show themselves INCOMPETENT as Household administrators. "Wait till your father gets home" is what works outside the kindergarten. The current Labor lot are as weak as water. Its been evident for decades. Instead of the old idea that law only works when you seek education and cooperation, Labor ministers draft daft pieces of pedantry to try to shut doors after the horses have bolted or just simply because they aren't used to making tough decisions. Premier Daniel Andrews was a classic perpetrator - and worse was not accountable to the law . These inexperienced bush lawyers know nothing about common sense , common sense law practice and common law.  

Minister Giles is not alone in hoping, like some Pharisees of old, that he can write a directive on how to make decisions  when its his job to make those decisions. And none of his colleagues has any idea or if they did,  they keep their mouths shut as you do in a dependent on playing on all sides nice little kindergarten state . 
The children in charge try to run everything in the pedants courts where mere word play is the game . This was always the Pharisees way and it only works if have control and you can cancel the guilty and get them executed ; silenced. 
The public are confused because of the snowing affect of all that paperwork. 
Short term gain long term pain . After all,  an appeal to a higher court ( incl the people and fair minded persons who insist on trial by testing in court )
Never in Australia's history have key value word lost so much reliability in their meaning. let alone the phrases in which they are put, Even astute bush lawyers in the medialike laura tingle forget that while racism is common,  and for groups  to have consititutions which are clearly racist it is not sound to ever to condemn racism as a sin  when it can just mean you prefer one cultural group over another ; or if you think women are commonly treated badly  that sexism couldn't be the term for the form of preferential treatment  they are offered by law,
Make u your minds ABC !  do you think freedom to think and speak is so low on the justice courts of this country that it is to be adjudicated by pedants who ARE OBLIGED  IN THEIR JUDGEMENTS to tick boxes .
Can no longer talk about the unfair treatment of one group?  Some of us are not children afraid to be offended by what others say about us.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

Progressive theology is as shallow and ineffective as witch hunting

 The press have lined up with the dependants to make failures in the debt recovery system (ROBODEBT ) look like murder . And somehow someone , especially a former Prime Minister, who the press hate, apparently needs to be crucified .
After all justice. for the modern Progressive,  is not about paying your way , it  is about getting back at our tax and welfare agents and cutting the heads off the tall poppies in there ( using the idea that no one else is ever responsible or high enough to recieve  the same fate )
And pardon me for not condemning a Prime Minister who wanted the taxpayer to get value for money and all people treated fairly. any leader would do the same. 
Even the more reasonable Australian newspaper calls the failure one worthy of condemnation. With government incompetence it could have been any party that let its bureau be indifferent to the stress of a robotically driven process .
It is no joke to be told you owe someone money when you are unaware of that debt , so the enquiry is justified 
It does appear its the bureau that were not listening enough but most of us will wait and see . We have enough instant blame games to fill our weekend to ever watch these political blame game desperadoes who force their condemnations onto our screens. 

The high moral ground of those commentators who put the word ' unravel ' and "find "  and "shine a light " goes to the heart of their irrelevance as news service sand their new role and judge and jury services  .Yes the system should not have been so immune to feedback and reviews ; It is hard to find you genuinely owe the rest of us money you didn't earn .  A tough job  but someone has to do it , 

There is no injustice implied for the system? --was it was working well , The executive or the bureau  may be to blame . 

The incompetence could be any party apart from the Greens who would always  , it seems from their silence , favor giving the noisy needy what they want and think they deserve, 

This worship of commissions is a form of dumb diversion -so we are supposed to follow their NEW dumber that dumber logic that real courts are irrelevant and witch hunting  and commissariats , so dominant in the 17th century. is now the righteous prosecuting preoccupation of progressives.   

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The coalition of dopey dreamers is about to hit the hard ground .

Its very hard to believe that in June 2023 a large majority of legislators in the Australian parliament just signed off on a sales document that wouldn't stand up in any court in the world.

Someone just signed our lives  away. 
If the sale goes through,  it will be the end of one of the world's most impressive constitutions . Ask AC Grayling who has just written two books on "Democracy in crisis " 

Is the man in this picture saying  " They are doing the right thing !"
What is the woman saying ?  
If we can't listen to our voices through two houses , how will a third one help ?


"Only a referendum",
The recent referendum in Britain created what the majority of people in Britain did not want --Brexit . AC Grayling in "Democracy in Crisis " points out just how unreasonable and dangerous the process can become-   

You don't need to understand much to understand that saying YES or NO referendums are being used across the Western world to drive Trojan horses --instruments of actual madness that the people decide later they don't want .

None of us wanted Labor's last referendum which was to take power away from the States and Regions ; Like the present one, it was presented as very simple and simply , a good thing ;
1-playing fair = one vote one value 
2- giving of voice to those often unheard ( if only such a UTOPIA existed ask Sitch ) .
We saw that first  "lovely simple idea " then as a Trojan horse and we must now do the same because the current request is a power grab .
Many of our forefathers are shouting to us from their graves ,
"Beware;  the greatest evil is done in the name of the best intention " . The dreamers are so unaware of the danger and the evil they can't see it . 

"It will have no power" 
Remember, if you hear people comforted by the statement that it is "only advisory ", remind them what would happen in their own homes if they didn't listen closely to their partners advice ; divorce well and truly on the horizon 

You don't need to understand much to understand that the original 30 page Australian constitution was well understood when it went before the people . Its a great read and one of the best in the world IMO .

What is put before us in 2023 is something nobody seems to understand . Noone can tell you what the expected extra 3 -4 pages will say . We are expected ,by just saying YES that Greenlabor will be allowed to just fill in the blanks. Great ,but do you think we are stupid mate?

Only advisory

Any reasonable lawyer would tell you ( advise or instruct ??) to NEVER sign up to a construction where the unknown clauses on "composition , functions, powers and procedures " ( all there in black and white ) are yet to be written by the seller .

The same lawyer would tell you never to sign a marriage contract where you were forced to listen to someone else's advice . Advise and Instruct mean different things, but they can have the same power in English law   More here 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Andrews love affair with lawmaking

" when you break the great laws, you don't get liberty :you do not even get anarchy .you get the small laws." GKC 

Daniel Andrews won't be remembered, as say John Cain and  Joan Kirner will be , for concern about how best to use limited tax resources .He will be remembered for making us poor in mind and economic management.  

Andrew and his incompetents  think they have bigger things in mind than sound eco management .  The Andrews government do not have   any effectively driven passion for reinforcing productivity only to drive us to be  poorer ;  the Andrews  government has  made us poor.- really poor and with a really poor attitude to those that challenge them . Them and us . 

Naturally the law making of the Andrews government is pattern predictable because its based on control by them -and as such ...... it can't last . 
Andrews  string pullers have  made us pay big for their poor economic management , They, as this blog is focused on ,have made us poor by making small laws . Lots and lots of little laws they will now seek to prosecute in the pedantic lower courts and by finding ways around the courts by "fining ". 
These eminent trivializers have been practicing on us in their vain and incomplete attempts to manage a COVID outbreaks in 2020 .
They have done everything they can think of on a Monday morning to deal with the problem that arose from las weeks poorly thought through decision's.
The pack between the media and them could be described as a modern marriage .   ASS   Attention Seekers Syndicates .  
He's done it all ,as most tyrants do who dare to talk to the people do --by talking best intention . Really sound politicians  like Edmund Burke know the deeper reality -that the greatest evil is done in the aim of your own idea of what is a good idea .
And most reactionaries like Andrews don't have to think,  to know what they think - they just go in the opposite direction from more sound leaders. From those whom these unrepentant dills  have already condemned by contradicting  the 8th Commandment. 

In legislating recently to give children what they want ( Conversion Bill 2021) they have shown themselves ( as have the Liberals ) to be pathetic pushovers.

The hypocrites don't recognize that while they spend a lot on education , their education campaigns  based on projection, arrogance and fear are not going to work long term. 
Meanwhile our children are the poorer. 


Thursday, November 12, 2020

The role of the people in their own Tyranny

 Its November 12th 2020 and Joe Biden appears to have just won the Presidency of the United States. 
You would think the people of the United States would be embarrassed  not just because the gospel of 51% doesn't work ......
 BUT that both candidates are so completely careless  with the words and ideas and their connections . 

God,  if anybody has his way here ,  and the American people get the government they deserve .
  If the West was  built on words and what they mean ( law) something is seriously wrong.

Clearly we can't expect the left to come up with answers as to why the outcome stinks. They don't think: they just add up ; add up numbers ; its the best and only thing they seem to be able to do when decisions are required ; If anything they want new numbers, some new maths , some new facts . Their religion prevents them from looking beyond what little they understand

Their search for concreteness ends with the first and last correlation they thought of . They are pedants , not men of practical principles

Those of us in the country know what's wrong .We are the real risk  takers not the new religiously risk averse .We see the red , the lifeblood red of injustice  ( the  "wages" of the dependents,  our slavery to provide  for them at lowest /our cost )  pouring all over  our countries .
 Our very own ABCTV would ever publish the red blue maps that have become the feature of this election in USA media 

Our ABC would never print the truth in this map  that because it would CLEARLY reveal  the reality that while the left complain of unfairness in Australia,  they have a effective majority in the cities  60%  )  so what is the lefts problem - well they dont know that clearly . 
The reactionaries are not in power at the moment  in Aust because they believe their own  bull-- own silly popular ( the tyranny of the popular) vanities like that COVID and climate change is heralding doomsday ( same as in USA ) 
  The  empty and blind reactionary left  have lost their  way and they don't even  know which way to go to find it , Its called repentance and it means turning full circle ad getting back to credibility ,consensus and basics.  Hard to see when you left it behind you and when you will join those you left again . 
This madness of the ageing reactionaries is seen all across Australia in the local government elections where people who have no real idea of how to work with people to get businesses going think they will do what Bill Shorten in all his glory could not do - do something about the climate  The very mention of cars batteries and windmills makes the country scream 


A more reactionary moment in the USA is hard to imagine , ie we Aussies are a bit over "Climate change action" knowing it to be " just talk "  2050 is a long way away for C "neutrality" . COVID will go away 2 - somehow and as we can here predict some poly will claim credit 

A more tyrannical intellectual prison/crisis frame than "COVID and Climate change scares"  is hard to imagine . Another Stockholm Syndrome that will , as a "critical disaster",  as if by magic disappear like a bad dream with only some poly smiling at us to remind us of it and their "role  in solving it " 
Wow bad dreams all around us 

And now Biden  thinks the same, 
We see the same esoteric nonsense from him about the need to wear masks and write more notes to the UN  . 
Every Labor leader prior to Shortens can See Biden has lost not only his mind  but his memory.
Any of us with half a brain can sees the crises as self created creations and redemptions - expensive strawmen ,toys tokens and sus miracles  related to fake and false dichotomies .  

Biden even if he gets his way ( he probably doesn't even know his own mind?) , it won't matter. He is a puppet for others . 


The left reactionaries who see only the law and the ONLY perceived route to progress - stronger law  
A crisis to gain the neccesary coopertaion from people to comply 
Public propaganda to convince the people about the enemy 
Fanaticism - because the power gained from  a crisis can't last 
Big picture Reality avoidance therapy,  No talk about the real enemy/ problem  ( the powerful and the peoples false vision of he problem and its solution ) 

The question is how long can the Democrat's and the reactionary left fanaticism about CC and COVID last ----

Answer-- not long . The important point for freethinking people esp young people  IS  to be ready to rebuild democrary to be fair.  reestablishing representation for the poor, the  matrgial and productive ( see map of country areas for eg ) 

 am sure Jesus and the people of his time didn't think the petty rule makers would ever go away completely, but they did lose power  for a few centuries  in our own countries  .
 I  just pray our children will see again the  great freedom we have enjoyed by telling the virus prone petty pedant  class  to go away - to see the consequences of their self righteous roundups; 
  1. In envisaging their skills as god like when they are not only incompetent, but proud ignorant and arrogant about whatever knowledge they do have 
  2. In fighting battles that they can't win and shouldn't even try 
  3. in fighting battles they have contrived to win cause they created them ( Stockholm syndrome)
  4. in forgetting that men are made in the image of God  - not mere automatons Any compliance likely to fail with time spent under their wise counsel about risks they know nothing about 
  5. in forgetteing that short term gain is the frame is which compliance in a crisis is  created 
  6.  in work not done that needs doing, and
  7.  Hearts no longer motivated to give /work  because they  were once  free to choose what they do
  8. Guilt and confusion for what gain ? Where is the concern for productivity and freedom to contribute  ?
  9. Expensive unproductive attempts at education via medai advertising 
  10. Expensive unproductive  attempts a bribery to make people do what you want them to do . egg Not sing or go outside  ( all real COVID stuff in Victoria 2020)  )
    We will be singing carols at our church   we believe in free speech and free singing