Thursday, October 29, 2009

Celebrating coercion - signs of failure

Minister Robinson( today) thinks he's doing a great job - growing the compliance sectors of planning departments. 40 new jobs in Melbourne alone. He can't see it, but this preoccupation is a sign of degradation; degradation of what was once the jewel and crown of government - its ability to plan ; to lead : a lead focused on giving freedom and liberty to the people.(Not that our generation have lokked more than skin deep into this whole question) More here
Thinking people of all persuasions do well to read a bit of A.N.Whiteheads work. His wide rangeing critique of the inadequate intellectual world of those who talk science, but practice voodoo antipates by nearly a century ago , the current stumbling blocks to successful planning.
. Take the misplaced concreteness evident in the policy frameworks of modern planning documents . Clearly most of those writing it went to the School of Mere Description and would be happy to indulge in brilliant feats of explaining away Victorian style 2009
Rather than giving the applicant advice, they give him a headache!

A few people had a good laugh and cry today when one prominent Victorian Public servant said she couldn't make a decision because "the policy framework was not in place ". More here ( the Victorian Planning System 2009) Whatever she meant , she said it all !

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Be a more effective listener

By knowing whose talking; i mean really ! . We all need a caution, when filled with that excitement we get when we feel that urge to point the finger; to remind us of why we don't want the world to be filled with talk about everyone elses faults; To remind us that , what we think is happening, may not be actually what is happening.
When we think we know what motivates another- it may just be an echo ;a projection ; an idea from the off shoulder noisemaker?
The Western tradition is to " not listen" (and therefore not speak / accuse )until there is 2 or more witnesses. Good to keep quiet - model the noise breakers !
Essential that those who claim to be Liberal and promote its great cause amongst us , not only understand it - but practice it -Mr Turnbull !
Be a more effective listener .....and then you will be a more effective mounted warrior!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Great Depression 2009

This note is to ask a question and suggest that "the heavy weight of political and other correctness is killing us" .
Example 1 The era of "doing what we like ( Valuesystem = there is no such thing as the wrong thing) has been followed by an era of political correctness(valuesystem = "whatever you think is the wrong thing is right? " -

The result: A value system that stops just about everyone speaking openly? - Why?
We feel we might say the wrong thing.
Mistaken value systems are the depression pills of the modern west. depressingly real nonsense. Give us a break would you