Saturday, July 08, 2023

Progressive theology is as shallow and ineffective as witch hunting

 The press have lined up with the dependants to make failures in the debt recovery system (ROBODEBT ) look like murder . And somehow someone , especially a former Prime Minister, who the press hate, apparently needs to be crucified .
After all justice. for the modern Progressive,  is not about paying your way , it  is about getting back at our tax and welfare agents and cutting the heads off the tall poppies in there ( using the idea that no one else is ever responsible or high enough to recieve  the same fate )
And pardon me for not condemning a Prime Minister who wanted the taxpayer to get value for money and all people treated fairly. any leader would do the same. 
Even the more reasonable Australian newspaper calls the failure one worthy of condemnation. With government incompetence it could have been any party that let its bureau be indifferent to the stress of a robotically driven process .
It is no joke to be told you owe someone money when you are unaware of that debt , so the enquiry is justified 
It does appear its the bureau that were not listening enough but most of us will wait and see . We have enough instant blame games to fill our weekend to ever watch these political blame game desperadoes who force their condemnations onto our screens. 

The high moral ground of those commentators who put the word ' unravel ' and "find "  and "shine a light " goes to the heart of their irrelevance as news service sand their new role and judge and jury services  .Yes the system should not have been so immune to feedback and reviews ; It is hard to find you genuinely owe the rest of us money you didn't earn .  A tough job  but someone has to do it , 

There is no injustice implied for the system? --was it was working well , The executive or the bureau  may be to blame . 

The incompetence could be any party apart from the Greens who would always  , it seems from their silence , favor giving the noisy needy what they want and think they deserve, 

This worship of commissions is a form of dumb diversion -so we are supposed to follow their NEW dumber that dumber logic that real courts are irrelevant and witch hunting  and commissariats , so dominant in the 17th century. is now the righteous prosecuting preoccupation of progressives.   

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The coalition of dopey dreamers is about to hit the hard ground .

Its very hard to believe that in June 2023 a large majority of legislators in the Australian parliament just signed off on a sales document that wouldn't stand up in any court in the world.

Someone just signed our lives  away. 
If the sale goes through,  it will be the end of one of the world's most impressive constitutions . Ask AC Grayling who has just written two books on "Democracy in crisis " 

Is the man in this picture saying  " They are doing the right thing !"
What is the woman saying ?  
If we can't listen to our voices through two houses , how will a third one help ?


"Only a referendum",
The recent referendum in Britain created what the majority of people in Britain did not want --Brexit . AC Grayling in "Democracy in Crisis " points out just how unreasonable and dangerous the process can become-   

You don't need to understand much to understand that saying YES or NO referendums are being used across the Western world to drive Trojan horses --instruments of actual madness that the people decide later they don't want .

None of us wanted Labor's last referendum which was to take power away from the States and Regions ; Like the present one, it was presented as very simple and simply , a good thing ;
1-playing fair = one vote one value 
2- giving of voice to those often unheard ( if only such a UTOPIA existed ask Sitch ) .
We saw that first  "lovely simple idea " then as a Trojan horse and we must now do the same because the current request is a power grab .
Many of our forefathers are shouting to us from their graves ,
"Beware;  the greatest evil is done in the name of the best intention " . The dreamers are so unaware of the danger and the evil they can't see it . 

"It will have no power" 
Remember, if you hear people comforted by the statement that it is "only advisory ", remind them what would happen in their own homes if they didn't listen closely to their partners advice ; divorce well and truly on the horizon 

You don't need to understand much to understand that the original 30 page Australian constitution was well understood when it went before the people . Its a great read and one of the best in the world IMO .

What is put before us in 2023 is something nobody seems to understand . Noone can tell you what the expected extra 3 -4 pages will say . We are expected ,by just saying YES that Greenlabor will be allowed to just fill in the blanks. Great ,but do you think we are stupid mate?

Only advisory

Any reasonable lawyer would tell you ( advise or instruct ??) to NEVER sign up to a construction where the unknown clauses on "composition , functions, powers and procedures " ( all there in black and white ) are yet to be written by the seller .

The same lawyer would tell you never to sign a marriage contract where you were forced to listen to someone else's advice . Advise and Instruct mean different things, but they can have the same power in English law   More here