Friday, March 26, 2021

Andrews love affair with lawmaking

" when you break the great laws, you don't get liberty :you do not even get anarchy .you get the small laws." GKC 

Daniel Andrews won't be remembered, as say John Cain and  Joan Kirner will be , for concern about how best to use limited tax resources .He will be remembered for making us poor in mind and economic management.  

Andrew and his incompetents  think they have bigger things in mind than sound eco management .  The Andrews government do not have   any effectively driven passion for reinforcing productivity only to drive us to be  poorer ;  the Andrews  government has  made us poor.- really poor and with a really poor attitude to those that challenge them . Them and us . 

Naturally the law making of the Andrews government is pattern predictable because its based on control by them -and as such ...... it can't last . 
Andrews  string pullers have  made us pay big for their poor economic management , They, as this blog is focused on ,have made us poor by making small laws . Lots and lots of little laws they will now seek to prosecute in the pedantic lower courts and by finding ways around the courts by "fining ". 
These eminent trivializers have been practicing on us in their vain and incomplete attempts to manage a COVID outbreaks in 2020 .
They have done everything they can think of on a Monday morning to deal with the problem that arose from las weeks poorly thought through decision's.
The pack between the media and them could be described as a modern marriage .   ASS   Attention Seekers Syndicates .  
He's done it all ,as most tyrants do who dare to talk to the people do --by talking best intention . Really sound politicians  like Edmund Burke know the deeper reality -that the greatest evil is done in the aim of your own idea of what is a good idea .
And most reactionaries like Andrews don't have to think,  to know what they think - they just go in the opposite direction from more sound leaders. From those whom these unrepentant dills  have already condemned by contradicting  the 8th Commandment. 

In legislating recently to give children what they want ( Conversion Bill 2021) they have shown themselves ( as have the Liberals ) to be pathetic pushovers.

The hypocrites don't recognize that while they spend a lot on education , their education campaigns  based on projection, arrogance and fear are not going to work long term. 
Meanwhile our children are the poorer. 


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