Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Reactionaries know nothing about the Law

and by relying on their latest directive or law they show themselves INCOMPETENT as Household administrators. "Wait till your father gets home" is what works outside the kindergarten. The current Labor lot are as weak as water. Its been evident for decades. Instead of the old idea that law only works when you seek education and cooperation, Labor ministers draft daft pieces of pedantry to try to shut doors after the horses have bolted or just simply because they aren't used to making tough decisions. Premier Daniel Andrews was a classic perpetrator - and worse was not accountable to the law . These inexperienced bush lawyers know nothing about common sense , common sense law practice and common law.  

Minister Giles is not alone in hoping, like some Pharisees of old, that he can write a directive on how to make decisions  when its his job to make those decisions. And none of his colleagues has any idea or if they did,  they keep their mouths shut as you do in a dependent on playing on all sides nice little kindergarten state . 
The children in charge try to run everything in the pedants courts where mere word play is the game . This was always the Pharisees way and it only works if have control and you can cancel the guilty and get them executed ; silenced. 
The public are confused because of the snowing affect of all that paperwork. 
Short term gain long term pain . After all,  an appeal to a higher court ( incl the people and fair minded persons who insist on trial by testing in court )
Never in Australia's history have key value word lost so much reliability in their meaning. let alone the phrases in which they are put, Even astute bush lawyers in the medialike laura tingle forget that while racism is common,  and for groups  to have consititutions which are clearly racist it is not sound to ever to condemn racism as a sin  when it can just mean you prefer one cultural group over another ; or if you think women are commonly treated badly  that sexism couldn't be the term for the form of preferential treatment  they are offered by law,
Make u your minds ABC !  do you think freedom to think and speak is so low on the justice courts of this country that it is to be adjudicated by pedants who ARE OBLIGED  IN THEIR JUDGEMENTS to tick boxes .
Can no longer talk about the unfair treatment of one group?  Some of us are not children afraid to be offended by what others say about us.

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